Workplace Injury: 4 Instances When You Need a Workers Comp Attorney

11 October 2021
 Categories: , Blog


The last thing you want after an injury at the workplace is a tussle over your compensation. But workplace compensation cases are numerous because of insurance company contestations over compensation claims. Arguing a workplace compensation case on your own puts you at a great disadvantage in evidence collection and arguing the case in a court of law. You need a workers' comp attorney to build your case and argue it successfully in court. When does this legal professional come in handy?

1. Insurance Company Denies Your Claim

As a profit-making entity, the insurance company will first scrutinize your claim for ways to reduce or not pay. Some of the grounds they can rely on to deny your claim include:

  • • Late injury report
  • • Unwitnessed case
  • • Discrepancies between accident and medical report
  • • Injuries incurred under the influence of illegal drugs
  • • Filing the claim after termination or retirement
  • • Refusal to give a recorded statement and medical authorizations to the insurance company

It is likely to find yourself in one of these traps because you might be incapacitated to meet these obligations after an injury or disability. Therefore, you need to contact a workers' comp lawyer to learn how to counter the insurance company's reasons for the denial.

2. You Incur Permanent Disability

Permanent disability compensation assumes you will never engage in gainful employment for the rest of your life. It is often a point of many compensation disputes because of the ratings assigned to the extent of disability. A low rating of your disability lowers your compensation.

A workers' comp attorney helps prove your disability is permanent and that it has lowered your standard of life. The attorney will seek to get your disability rated properly to reflect its impact on earning capability. They will also seek adequate support for the expenses arising from the disability, for example, lifelong medicines or physical therapy.

3. You Have a Workers Comp Hearing

Your dispute is likely to end in court if the insurance company refuses to settle or offers a very low amount they are unwilling to increase. Again, a workers' comp attorney is key to proving your case.

An attorney can collect evidence, including proof of your employment, accident reports, medical reports, and witness statements. They will also make written and oral arguments to show why you deserve adequate compensation.

4. You Need Government Benefits

Typically, the Social Security Administration will reduce your Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits when you receive other benefits. You need a workers' comp attorney to show you still deserve your initial benefits.

Are you finding it difficult to access adequate compensation after a workplace injury? Book an appointment with a workers' comp lawyer to discuss your case.